Why You Should Visit India Once In A Lifetime!

Blog Image Aug 06, 2019

"India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grandmother of tradition. Our most valuable and most destructive materials in the history of man are treasured up in India only!" -Says Mark Twain.

These lines by Mr Twain well-describe the in-depth features of mysterious, magical and magnificent India. Over the years, this country has witnessed different eras under different rulers, seen many dynasties taking over and watched different cultures assimilating under one entity. The diversity in language, culture, religion and heritage has made this country the most distinguished and amazing place on Planet Earth! Hence tourists from across the world throng India to explore the pristine and serene surroundings.

You will definitely fall in love with this country after watching the dazzling wonders in the form of vibrant architecture, the rich cultural trail, the beauty of nature spread throughout and the varied variety of caste, creed, and religion. If you become a guest to India, you will be able to explore the most varied and vibrant nation which has smartly marked its place on global tourists' maps. Let's share five reasons why you should visit India once in a lifetime!

1. You can explore the oldest culture in the world: Do you know that Indian culture is the oldest one? Despite being ruled by Mughals and Britishers for a long time, this country has managed to retain its customs and traditions. There's hardly any culture in the world which is as varied and vibrant as India. 

Literature, dance, music, art, and craft, etc have all been an integrated part of Indian culture. In this country, the arrival of each season is welcomed by a festival and folk dances are performed to celebrate it. The exquisite cuisine also defines the start of a new season in different parts of the country. It's the Indian cultural magic that has spread the marvel of bindis to bangles to yoga across the world!

2. Glance at astounding history and incredible sights: India is blessed with architectural marvels. As the country's history interweaves its cultures, the religious symbols and cultural indicators blend to form beautiful structures. And hence comes out the beautiful display of the most exquisite architecture which is treat to the eyes.

3. Step into the spiritual world: Spirituality and mystical charm, since years, have drawn people from across the world to India. This country has been the land of spiritual leaders and saints. Arts like Yoga and Ayurveda, coupled with religion, have helped evolve the existence of spirituality in India. The country has seen different religions like Hinduism and Buddhism originating here.

Thus, a chunk of travellers visit India seeking spiritual solace! Haridwar and Rishikesh in Uttarakhand, Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh, Bodhgaya in Bihar, Tiruvannamalai and Kanchipuram in Tamil Nadu, etc are a few sacred places thronged by travellers.

4. Experience the adrenaline rush: You can feel the adrenaline rush in almost all regions in India, no matter whether you are in East, West, North or South India!

There are plenty of options for adventure enthusiasts to feel the adrenaline rush. From trekking in Himalayan tracks to paragliding in Goa to facing the rush rapids in Rishikesh to biking tours in Arunachal Pradesh, India is a treasure trove for adventure lovers. The adventure lust can also be quenched by being in states like Goa, Lakshadweep, Andaman, and Kerala where different adventure activities can hold your breath.

5. Spot the big striped cats in jungles: India is home to a variety of wild animals and houses 102 national parks, 43 tiger reserves, 528 wildlife sanctuaries, and 13 biosphere reserves. You can explore tigers in Jim Corbett, Uttarakhand or watch beautiful birds in Bandipur National Park, Karnataka, trace Asiatic lions in Gir forests and see rhinos and Bengal tigers in Sundarbans.

India's multitude of national parks, reserves, and conservation areas are among the most amazing ones to see on the planet.

There are many more reasons you should visit India. Now, see how and when you can make it happen to explore this country which is filled with culture, history and architectural wonders!


Author Bio: Archana Sharma is freelance writer who is passionate about her profession. Travelling is something that excites her. She has been in the creative field for over 15 years and has been writing for print media and digital media.

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